Even in Uncertain Times, We Must Keep Moving

2020 has not taken the Almighty Creator of the Universe off-guard. Of that, I am 100% certain even on those days I am uncertain of a lot of other things!

If I have learned anything in 2020, it is the following. Some of my education has taken place in remedial classes, reviewing material that I apparently knew at one point but had to brush up on:

God is good, and His intentions are to bless me and others. He did not cause the events of 2020, but He is using the events of 2020 for good. God has always taken care of me, He has never let me down, and He never will. 2020 has not thrown a wrench into God’s plans.

I don’t know everything there is to know about tomorrow, no matter the months or years to come. Furthermore, my whining and complaining about not knowing everything don’t impress God much. He will reveal what He feels I need to know in His time. Even when I am uncertain about my future, I am certain of God’s character.

God implicitly told me to trust Him in March 2020, and He continues to tell me the same thing today. Trust and hold tight to His truth. His word is a lamp unto my feet, but a lamp casts only a small circle of light in the great expanse of this dark night of the soul. I must step into the light He provides and not fret about what I cannot see.

Stagnancy in my Christian walk is dangerous. I can’t allow global uncertainty to stop me from stepping forward by faith into the work God has called me to do. I must continue to take risks. God never meant my Christian walk to be complacent.

I find it interesting to note the migration of friends as they move across their nation because of job loss and new opportunities. Many of those friends had only recently moved to their last location, and they were certain they would remain there for decades to come. But then God shifted His people. He’s in the habit of doing that, just read Genesis and Exodus if you ever need a reminder. Most mornings, the heroes of our faith were uncertain where they would sleep that night but they remained certain God would watch over them.

While in prayer at the beginning of 2020, even before the pandemic invaded North America, I saw a giant chess set where God was strategically placing His people. He is making us ready, He’s putting us into position, and He has a plan.

Once again, I must state this truth. 2020 has not taken the Almighty Creator of the Universe off-guard. Of that, I am 100% certain even on those days I am uncertain of a lot of other things!

Do you find yourself floundering in your faith, wondering how you are going to press through? Are you feeling a bit like a failure in that you haven’t handled everything perfectly in 2020? Keep moving forward.

I would encourage you to read Hebrews 11, The great “Faith Heroes Hall of Fame” chapter, on your own time over the next few days. Note how the writer of the book of Hebrews spoke glowingly of the inductees, even though his audience clearly knew the rest of their stories. Many of those mentioned in Hebrews 11 stumbled spectacularly on more than one occasion, falling flat on their faces. God picked them up, dusted them off, made sure they had their feet firmly planted on terra firma, then gently pushed them forward. It was up to them to keep the momentum going, and by doing so, they fulfilled their call and destiny.

Trust God that He will reveal to you what you need to know when you need to know it. In the meantime, keep moving! Keep growing! Deepen your faith, dig into His Word, find ways to stretch yourself. Do not fall into the dangerous trap of resigned complacency. Keep your eyes focused on the path He illuminates and ignore the shadows.

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From November 2020 forward, all Bible verses attributed to the NASB version unless otherwise indicated. Prior to this date, ESV was the common attribution.

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Until Next Week,

©2020 Katherine Walden