At First, It’s A Little Disconcerting

A life-changing cataract surgery reveals the beauty and clarity of a world once unseen, inspiring a journey of embracing new perspectives and deeper truths.

Until I was around 50 years old, I experienced severe nearsightedness. My parents noticed the problem when I struggled to read the chalkboard in first grade, leading to my first pair of glasses. Almost every year after that, I needed a stronger prescription. Over time, I learned to use landmarks for navigation since I couldn’t […]

Do You Suffer From Spiritual Selective Amnesia?

Lord, deliver your people from the malady of Selective Amnesia, which robs us of our peace and weakens our trust in Your character.

Do you suffer from Spiritual Selective Amnesia? If you do, don’t be alarmed. Many Christians fall prey to this affliction. The symptoms usually appear a year or so after they surrender their hearts to Christ. They remember the peace that overwhelmed them and carried them through the early days of their salvation. They remember the […]

The Beauty of Seasons of Waiting

Children are born with little understanding of the value of waiting. Any parent or teacher can attest to that, especially during the days leading up to special events. The minutes seem like hours; the hours seem like days, and the days like years. Parents feel their children’s anxiety and frustration, and while they sympathise, most […]

It’s Not a Waiting Game for God

It's not a waiting game with God. He is building trust and relationship with Him within us as wait for the fulfilment of His promises.

Patience is a virtue they say, but it’s a difficult character trait to foster. If you can master it, the rewards are great! Trust and patience go hand and hand in God’s kingdom. Psalm 40:1 Psalm 40, Verse 1. “I waited patiently for the Lord. He turned to me and He heard my cry.” As […]

God Often Does His Best Work Behind the Scenes

God often does His best work behind the scenes - In the fullness of time, God sent forth His son Galatians 4:4

Years ago, when an everyday person could code a website, I did a lot of work on my earliest website. I spent countless hours of work, to be honest. The work needed to be done; the old code interfered with new systems. The old code was sloppy, resulting in a need for a complete reorganisation […]