How You can Help This Ministry

As I pay for much of the web fees, yearly software fees, and other necessities that keep this website and this ministry online out of my pocket, and as I am on a limited disability pension, I’ve discovered every day is a fantastic opportunity to step out in faith. I regularly see God come through in miraculous ways!

You probably give to your local church and more worthy ministries, and you don’t know me or my ministry from a hole in the wall. Click here if you’d like to know more about me and this ministry. However, you might be reluctant to give to a total stranger even after reading what I am all about. I get that!  You can help by sharing blogs I write by using the share buttons under every article!

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Please note: If you live outside of Canada, you must sign in to with your usual Amazon details. I will not be able to use or any other amazon gift card from whatever nation you are from. It is very easy to set up if you already have an Amazon account. 

Being without transportation, I use Amazon for most of my purchases of computer gear, cables, etc, that I need  to keep my online ministry going.

There are other ways you can help that will not require you to give directly to me or the ministry.

Are you dissatisfied with your current WebHost if you have a website?

If you have a website and are tired of poor customer service or you are thinking of self-hosting your blog, I highly recommend SiteGround. Yes, I am an affiliate, and if you sign up with them, I receive a small financial bonus, but that is not why I recommend them. I commend them for their incredible customer service. I have had websites since 1996, and I have hosted those websites on at least five Web Host companies. Hands down, SiteGround has been the most helpful web host of them all, and they have had the smallest downtime. In less than 10 minutes, they solved a problem that my website had been having for 2 years. This problem was caused by my previous web host’s lack of tech support. That web host’s customer service live chat department refused to help me and just kept pointing me to help files that were created for trained IT techs. I do have a passing understanding of what goes on behind a website than the average person might – but their help files were way beyond my understanding.

One tip in choosing a Web Host provider – do NOT rely on review sites. They are usually fake or slant heavily toward a provider they are an affiliate of. Go by word of mouth. Ask your friends. Ask them about downtimes, customer service, ease of using the various back-end areas that you will need access to, etc. Pricing is not always the best way to choose a web host provider. You definitely get what you pay for in this case. I found SiteGround after I shared my frustration with my former provider with friends, who are seasoned website owners. They all pointed me to Siteground. The REVIEW sites gave my former provider 4.5 out of 5 stars. And yet, every web owner I know who used that former provider left due to horrendous customer service and downtimes.

Click here to learn more about SiteGround. If you want to think about it before signing up, please come back to my website before signing up to make sure you are entering the site through my affiliate link. Once again, this will not cost you anything extra.

Prayer is as valuable as anything listed above, if not more, and I deeply appreciate your prayers!!

©2019 Katherine Walden