For the most part, Jesus’ prayers were short and to the point when he healed, forgave or delivered someone. His most prolonged prayers were heard only by his closest companions. (John 13-17) Perhaps I should write a book, “Caveman Prayers” by Katherine Walden. “Heart, be at peace!” “Arm, be healed!” “Forgive me, Jesus.” “Jesus, Iowa […]
Archives 1/1/2020-12/31/2020
Where is This Week’s blog and a Temporary Schedule Change for Zoom Chat
This week, I spent some time heavily updating one of the more popular articles on this website by clarifying my foundational beliefs concerning God’s protection over us and spiritual warfare. As Christians, we are encouraged to not only ask God to protect our families, our homes, and our nations, but we are to believe […]
Being a Fix-It-All Usually Blows Up in Your Face
I’ve been reading large portions of the Bible this year as part of my studies and personal devotions. I always look forward to 1 and 2 Samuel. These books are full of intrigue, suspense, romance, epic battles, and the cautionary tales found in the lives of both Saul and David. As I read the story […]
Christians: Who are You Representing?
As this week’s blog is primarily aimed at those who use Social Media, I am posting it directly on Social Media as well as my blog. I use Social Media, my blog, email list, and the Daily Christian Quote Website as my main ministry platforms. I pop onto Facebook as an overseer or participant in […]
Change of Venue Coming for Our Weekly Discussion Group
A quick announcement If you are able to make it, please join me at 5 PM, Mountain Standard Time, June 5, 2021 I will be discussing the move of our weekly discussion group from YouTube to a platform that is a bit more private, thus allowing for deeper conversation.
People Get Ready, 2021 Has Not Cancelled Your Assignment
I originally wrote the following devotional in the late nineties. If you read the first of my three books, Seasons, you will recognise it as one of the chapters there. I hope you forgive me for the repeat, but I felt the weight of the words God gave to me way back then as we […]