Are You Addicted to Fear? Media’s Ultimate Sales Pitch

Over the last four and a half years, we’ve all learned one thing: fear sells. Every news outlet on the planet knows this. Yes,  even your favourite alternative news source. Mainstream or not, every news outlet is looking for revenue to pay their employees and to grow their sphere of influence. All outlets know they […]

Anxiety Up? What is Your Mind Feasting on?

Anxious? Worried? Stress-out family? Is it time to pull the plug on news channels and such?

I chose long ago to ditch News Channels. Somehow, they have to fill in 24 hours of so-called news daily. In my experience, 23 of those 24 hours are filled with fear-mongering and speculative opinionated experts who spew so-called facts that fit the political bias of that news agency. I haven’t watched a national or […]

Are You Sure Its Righteous Anger? – A Word to Christians on Social Media

Who or what is fuelling your rage? Are you sure your righteous anger is actually righteous?

What many call ‘righteous anger’ is not so righteous. Hear what the Lord is saying. There is an ever-increasing divide, a polarization sweeping the planet, fueled by Social Media and online news agencies masking themselves as unbiased sources. Unfortunately, in 2023, I have yet to find a single news outlet without a slant or agenda. […]