When a Hero Topples

When a hero topples, those who follow them are in danger of toppling as a result. How do you deal with the collateral damage? Is it preventable?

The doping scandals in professional long distance cycling tempered my enjoyment in recent years. Even so, the televised events provided spectacular scenery to keep me motivated as I rode my exercise bike, and I enjoyed the strategy and tactics of the complicated sport. I usually cheered on the underdog and not the established hero. In […]

It Might be Dark Now but Light is Coming!

It doesn’t really matter how you landed in a dark place, darkness is darkness and sitting in the darkness for a long time just isn’t good for your wellbeing. But light always overcomes even the darkest of places. God is light and He’s coming to your rescue. Video Transcript: Video Below [00:00:00] Hi. Welcome back […]

Allow the Lord to be Your Defense

Perhaps you have tried to barricade yourself from temptation or sinful habits by avoiding the issue. What you can't see won't hurt you, or so you try to convince yourself. Perhaps you've tried to resist temptation through sheer willpower and positive confession. You've discovered how flimsy your self-defense strategy is.

“If you…come to Christ, he will appear as a Lion, in his glorious power and dominion, to defend you. All those excellencies of his, in which he appears as a lion, shall be yours, and shall be employed for you in your defense, for your safety, and to promote your glory; he will be as […]