He is Risen! Take Advantage of the Full Benefits Provided

This Easter, consider this thought. Jesus’s cross and resurrection accomplished much more than just our salvation. I’m not saying that salvation alone is not worthy of us rejoicing and exclaiming the goodness of God everywhere we go. However, Jesus’ victory achieved more than gaining our admission to Heaven in the sweet by and by. God […]

Advent Series – Part 4 – He is our Humble King

As Christmas draws near, we remember that even though Jesus had full knowledge of His true power and position, our King reigned with humbleness of heart.

“And He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings! and Lord of lords! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” Hallelujah Chorus by Georg Friedrich Handel Isaiah 9:6-7 – “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty […]

Advent Series – Part One – He is Our Righteousness

The Cambridge dictionary defines Advent as the beginning of an event, the invention of something, or the arrival of a person. For Christians, Advent starts four weeks before Christmas. The season of Advent is meant to be one of hopeful reflection, anticipating the coming Messiah. I will be providing a devotion each week during Advent as […]

Hold Tight, Don’t Let Fear Distract You!

When your world is falling apart, it's vital you don't allow yourself to be distracted. Hold tight.

A few weeks back,  I lelt led to share a word the Lord gave me on focusing and ignoring distractions. It appears God has his finger on the topic. I have read several prophetic words dealing with focus and the threat of being led off course by seemingly innocuous bunny trails. Sometimes, those distractions that […]