What’s the Big Deal? They’re just words!

What's the big deal? It's just words. Actually, words ARE a big deal they can carry a punch or carry a kiss.

Writers understand that each word is a treasure. A rightly used word is a pearl to be sought after, polished carefully and precisely placed in the perfect setting. And so it is with our speech, even more now than ever. As much of my involvement with the world is through Social Media, I realise the […]

Are You Just Gathering Followers or are You Making a Difference?

Are you looking for fans and ministry followers or is your goal to raise up leaders and activate disciples of Christ?

I’ve been active on the Internet since 1992, and I continue to marvel at the rapid transformation and growth of this incredible communication tool. Back then, I dipped my toes in Social Media through online interest groups that were text-based. These gave way to hosted bulletin boards that gave way to the era of personal […]

Focus, People, Focus!

The enemy knows how easily we are distracted. The only way to combat his strategy is to focus on what is important.

I confess I struggle to remain focused. Even as I sit in front of my laptop and attempt to write these thoughts, my mind wanders. It’s nearly impossible to focus on just one thing in today’s world. Social Media gurus and organisations who rely on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, emails, texts, and news outlets to get […]

Major Changes to my Social Media Ministry

Katherine Walden is making a change on one major Social media site - find out more.

As social media evolves, I must keep up with those changes and therefore, I am doing so major tweaks as far as my social media ministry goes. If you happen to use the major platform that I am talking about in the video below, this will definitely affect you. Please watch the video for more […]