Are You Sure Its Righteous Anger? – A Word to Christians on Social Media

Who or what is fuelling your rage? Are you sure your righteous anger is actually righteous?

What many call ‘righteous anger’ is not so righteous. Hear what the Lord is saying. There is an ever-increasing divide, a polarization sweeping the planet, fueled by Social Media and online news agencies masking themselves as unbiased sources. Unfortunately, in 2023, I have yet to find a single news outlet without a slant or agenda. […]

Who Gave You the Position of Sole Judge and Jury?

“One of the most difficult defilements of the spirit to deal with is the critical spirit. A critical spirit has its root in pride. Because of the ‘plank’ of pride in our own eye, we are not capable of dealing with the ‘speck’ of need in someone else. We are often like the Pharisee who, […]

Overcoming an Undercurrent of Low-Voltage Anxiety

I am sensing a low-frequency buzz of anxiety in the lives of many. There is a way to combat that. Do ONE thing today that makes a positive difference.

Are you feeling an undercurrent of anxiety lately? Many of my friends exhibit symptoms such as unexplained fatigue, irritability, sleeplessness, and craving for carbohydrates and sugary foods. I am sensing a heaviness and an annoying low-frequency buzz across Social Media and in the lives of those around me. There is a way to combat that. […]

Christians: Who are You Representing?

You are a terrible witness for our King if you post mocking, hateful, cruel and bullying Memes about political leaders and those who disagree with your stance.

As this week’s blog is primarily aimed at those who use Social Media, I am posting it directly on Social Media as well as my blog. I use Social Media, my blog, email list, and the Daily Christian Quote Website as my main ministry platforms. I pop onto Facebook as an overseer or participant in […]

Looking For Reflections of Yourself?

By surrounding ourselves with only those whose beliefs are exact reflections of our own, we diminish our effectiveness for God's Kingdom.

As a child, I loved to sit on my mother’s three-mirror vanity desk and carefully arrange the mirrors so I could see countless images of myself. I entertained myself for hours by singing or making up stories to the audience in the mirrors. There was no ego involved; I created an unending supply of imaginary […]