A Boarding Gate is a Place of Transition, Not a Destination

aving you been sticking around the boarding gate so long that you missed your flight? A transitional season is never your final destination.

Airports, bus terminals, train stations; they share one thing in common — a place to wait. Waiting areas also hold something else in common. Their designers do not expect people to use them for extended stays. Although I can’t exactly prove my suspicions, I believe airports, bus terminals, and train stations take the following criteria […]

Plowing Through Discouragement Unearths Building Stones

Ploughing through discouragement you may unearth what you think are obstacles that are in fact building stones.

Although I did not grow up on a farm, I spent many a day in the summer visiting my parent’s farming friends in Southern Alberta. I remember my family driving along dusty country roads with nothing to see but acres and acres of wide-open spaces. You always knew a farmhouse or barn was coming up […]

Hold Tight, Don’t Let Fear Distract You!

When your world is falling apart, it's vital you don't allow yourself to be distracted. Hold tight.

A few weeks back,  I lelt led to share a word the Lord gave me on focusing and ignoring distractions. It appears God has his finger on the topic. I have read several prophetic words dealing with focus and the threat of being led off course by seemingly innocuous bunny trails. Sometimes, those distractions that […]

Are Your Cries for Help Drowning Out His Response?

What is your go-to response when immediate crisis lands at your feet? Be it good or bad, God would love to help you put a game plan together.

Dispatcher: “911, Please state the nature of your emergency.” Caller: “HELP!! Oh my God, there’s blood everywhere! Help!” Dispatcher: “Please calm down, sir. What is the nature of your emergency?” Caller: “Please, please help, she fell with a knife, and there is blood spurting all over. HELP! OH, Please help! She was cooking me breakfast!” […]