Leap into the Unknown with Your Known God

Hebrews 11:8-10 – “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith, he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.”

Having been an avid Trekkie since I was a pre-teen, it didn’t surprise me several years ago when God brought to remembrance a particularly impactful episode from the original Star Trek series as I struggled with a potentially life-changing decision. The award-winning episode was entitled, ‘The City on the Edge of Forever.’ Kirk and Spock must leap back into time through a portal to rescue their friend. By doing so, they could undo the devastating ripple effect that a delirious McCoy set in motion through his interference with history. “The City on the Edge of Forever” impacted me significantly as a child.

One scene stood out to me more than the rest. Kirk and Spock realized they had a narrow window of opportunity. The future of mankind hinged on this one truth: if they were going to jump, they had to jump NOW. Their only other choice was to abandon their friend, altering the course of history forever, and therefore live out their remaining days in the relative safety of arid and ancient ruins. Jump, they did, eventually meeting up with their friend. In doing so, they rectified the damage McCoy caused, and all was right with the universe.

I received my marching orders, and He called me out of my comfort zone.

That pivotal scene flashed before my eyes as I felt God’s not-so-gentle conviction. He had been speaking to me for years. By obeying the voice of the fear of the unknown, I was directly disobeying God’s call. I needed to jump. The Kairos moment, or portal if you will, would soon shut. Jump I did, heart pounding. And in that leap, I felt His divine guidance, reassuring me that he was there to catch me.

I landed where I was meant to be in this season of my life. More importantly, I landed where I was supposed to be at this moment in history. A revival is coming globally, and an awakening is coming to the Church. I received my marching orders; He called me out of my comfort zone, a zone that was causing my spirit to slumber through my disobedience. I feel my spirit awakening once again.

As I prayed into this, another picture came to mind. I saw game pieces on a chessboard being moved in a lightning-speed sequence. I am the first to admit that I know nothing about chess beyond the fact that it is a game where you must think ahead, planning your offensive strategy while anticipating the counter moves your opponent might make.

As I write this, in 2024, God is moving His people into strategic positions. He is sovereign and has a plan in motion, yet He still gives us a choice. As He prompts us to move or stay, we can obey His voice and allow Him to lead us where He wishes us to be, or we can stay in the relative safety of our comfort zones at the enormous cost of being ineffective in advancing His Kingdom.

Personal Application

For some readers, submitting to God’s directions could mean staying right where you are for this season. Remain alert and awake to His call. Keep your lamps filled with His oil, and make sure your wicks are trimmed and your vessel is clean. Your Bridegroom is coming, and when He does invite you to go with Him, the door of invitation will quickly close. (Matthew 25:1-13 Parable of the Ten Virgins)

For others, there is a compelling pull in your heart to step out and take risks. I suspect that many reading this word fall into this category. Perhaps that pull has strengthened over several years, perhaps for only a few months. Your Sovereign Lord invites you, “Follow me.” You already have a good idea of what He is calling you to do. It is up to you to obey that call. In the same way, Andrew, Peter, James, and John set their nets of self-sufficiency down and followed Him, so must you.

And for others, you still have no idea what God wants you to do, but you are experiencing vague dissatisfaction. You can’t put your finger on the source of that dissatisfaction. Listen for His voice. If you are wondering how you can discern between your voice, the voice of the enemy, and the Great Shepherd’s voice, spend time in worship and Bible reading. Draw close enough to Him that you quickly recognize the peace of being in His fold. Let’s begin by reading John 10:1-18.

All Bible verses are attributed to the ESV version unless otherwise indicated.

Until Next Week

2024 Katherine Walden