You Don’t Find Healing By Diminishing Another Person’s Story

We all have stones at hand. When we are in conflict, we must remember this. We have a choice, we can use those stones to throw at each other. Or, we can lay those stones down and invite others to come alongside us as we build a bridge toward real communication.

One of my core values is to exemplify a culture of honour through brave communication. Effective communication comprises respectful listening and not diminishing another person’s voice. By resisting the fear that you will not be heard, you build a firm foundation where you can begin effective communication. One of my greatest peeves is when a […]

How To Attend A Great Sunday Service

Your church service will only be as fulfilling as your contribution to it.

It is honestly up to you as to how you experience attending your local church. Here are some tips. 1: On your way to church, take a moment to pray for your pastor, worship leaders, Sunday School teachers, ushers and all the volunteers who will probably be at the church a good hour before you […]

Is It Time to Clean Your Soul’s Eyeglasses?

Clean your soul's eyeglasses! It's too easy to put up with smudges and flecks of dirt that distort our spiritual vision but in time, our compromise will do us harm.

I felt the Lord say, “Clean your soul’s eyeglasses!” I have at least five pairs of reader eyeglasses hanging around my apartment. Most days, the majority of these eyeglasses could do with a good cleaning. Most days, they will be haphazardly cleaned by a rub against my shirt. I do realize that this stop-gap measure […]

Who is Your Go-to Person?

It's April 2020, the world's isolating. What happens when your go-to person isn't available? Maybe, just maybe, it's time to find a more reliable source.

To say that Spring 2020 is a difficult season globally is a gross understatement. So many of our comforts just aren’t available right now.  As a churchgoer, it’s even more difficult. You might be feeling anxious and discouraged.  Just a few weeks ago, you could pull Brother or Sister So and So aside after church […]