1 John 3:22 says, “Whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.” This is a wonderful biblical promise! However, it’s easy to take this verse out of context. We might want to claim it when we seek God’s provision, because we believe we meet the conditions of […]
How Well Do You Receive Encouragement?

Quite a few years ago, my former pastor, a recognised prophet, publicly honoured me for contributing to the local body and my international internet ministry, calling me a fellow prophet. She did so just as I finished sharing a brief testimony to God’s goodness one Sunday Morning. I was hurrying back to my seat when […]
Face Your Battles With Full Strength

I’ve drawn much comfort from the final book in the “Chronicles of Narnia” series by C. S. Lewis, entitled “The Last Battle.” The protagonists find themselves in a fight that appears to be hopeless. Outnumbered, weary, and bruised, the tiny band of heroes struggle to protect those who turned against them. Stuck between a rock […]
Today’s Agenda: Love Well

How well do we value others? Do we see them as a project, or do we see them as someone of infinite value to God and worthy of our love? Are they on our ‘to-do’ list, or are they on our ‘to-love-well’ list? Never view a person as a problem to be solved; view them […]
He wasn’t Just Another Homeless Guy

I sat silently, stunned by a phone call where I was asked to pray for a mutual friend. Our friend was in intensive care with severe head trauma and was not expected to live. Test results showed that much of R’s brain no longer functioned. We prayed that his extended family would be able to […]
Are You Creating Barriers for Newcomers Who Don’t Speak Christianese?

I love to fellowship with newcomers who immigrated to Canada. As I was in missions for several years, something deep inside me is fed when many cultures worship together. Two women from Sudan joined a small group I co-led a few years ago. Work and family responsibilities allowed them to be with us for only […]