Let’s Get Real.

Transcript: Hi there. It’s been a long time (since I’ve done a video). Please bear with me. I might explain in videos to follow where I’ve been at what I’ve been up to etc. But this isn’t the video that I’ll be talking about out stuff. Also just as a forewarning you’re going to be […]

I Will Not Be Shaken

Is it our job to not be shaken no matter what comes against us? Or does God have another idea?

Psalm 62:6 – “He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.” It’s been a rough few months for me. Without going into a lot of detail that would needlessly depress you, let’s just say that I’ve doubted my purpose and my direction. I’ve lost focus. The ground I […]

My Christmas Prayer

Christmas Prayer 2017 - For those who struggle with the Holiday season, the lonely, the alone, the suffering ones.

My Christmas greetings for 2017 and a  Christmas Prayer for all those who find the Christmas season a difficult one. May you know Him as Immanuel – God with us.   Everlasting Father, I ask you to come to those whose hearts ache on your Son’s birthday. They are hurting and lonely. Father, let them […]

What Do You Hide Behind Your Bah Humbug?

Do you hide a broken heart behind a Bah Humbug exterior? No credit required for graphic but please do credit Prawny from Pixabay

One December, I was particularly disillusioned with the commercialisation of the holiday season, or so I tried to convince myself. I wished Christmas would go away. I was in a funk, and I planned to hide during the holidays and spend my time watching a marathon of old musicals and eating a couple of frozen […]