My Christmas greetings for 2017 and a Christmas Prayer for all those who find the Christmas season a difficult one. May you know Him as Immanuel – God with us.
Everlasting Father, I ask you to come to those whose hearts ache on your Son’s birthday. They are hurting and lonely. Father, let them know it’s okay to give you the pain and loneliness and frustration that rests in their hearts. Enable them through your grace to know you are listening — and that you care. Come to those who grief as the Father of all comfort.
Immanuel, I pray for those who are single and who have no family — who spend much of the holidays alone. Be with them in the lonely hours, help them not to feel marginalized during this season that places so much emphasis on ‘family’. Remind them of your open-ended invitation of adoption into your eternal family. Give them the grace to allow you to enter into the lonely places of their heart.
I pray for those who are housebound and infirm and are unable to leave their homes or hospital rooms due to illness. I pray for those with loved ones that are separated by work and sacrificial duty. Come to them as their beloved friend.
Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, I pray for families who struggle financially and emotionally. I pray for desperate spouses who worry about their marriage. I pray for those children who are frightened and alone and for those children who live in abusive homes. Be with the small ones who sense the worry and frustration that their parents try to hide. Bring your hope, bring your peace.
Mighty God, I pray for parents who watch helplessly as their children deal with life-threatening illnesses. Come as the great Physician.
Come as Deliverer and set free those who are bound by the chains of addiction and self-destructive behaviour.
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, please enter into each place, each home, each hospital room, each homeless shelter, each hotel, each jail cell, each place of business – let your children know they are not alone. Holy Spirit, please come as the Comforter and let your gentle healing warmth soothe and bring solace to their aching hearts. I pray this in the name of Jesus — who knows our sorrows and understands our hearts.
Until Next Week
©2018 Katherine Walden
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