In 2014, I felt a prompting from the Lord that I followed through on, even though I did so with a little bit of fear and trembling. It really helped a friend. Facebook Memories just reminded me of this today.
Hearing the Voice of God
Step out –take risks.
I had a nudge while praying for an online friend who was experiencing a flare-up of a painful condition. It was such a slight impression. It seemed silly. I saw a bright, artificially dyed specific colour. The colour was almost neon bright. I felt it was tied to this friend’s chronic inflammation flare-ups. I am clueless when it comes to such matters as inflammation, so for such a thought to pop in my head, I knew it wasn’t coming from my own knowledge!
Hesitantly, I reached out to my friend. We knew each other well, and I wasn’t a random stranger dishing out medical advice. I am not a doctor, and I don’t play one on TV. We had already developed a relationship where we were brother and sister in Christ, He spoke into my life on occasion, and I spoke into his. We were and still are peers. But I was STILL hesitant until the Lord prompted me that it was okay to pass my impression on. Wisdom told me it was not medical advice either, so I reached out to him with what I saw – with a lot of humility.
Well, my dear friend was busted. A few days before his latest flare-up, he had been munching on a forbidden snack that was the same bright colour I saw. The whole snack was something he KNEW he needed to avoid. It wasn’t just the food colouring. It was a wake-up call to him, but even more so, it was an affirmation that God loved him so much he would nudge a sister in the Lord to remind him that he shouldn’t be eating that stuff.
I am no Nathan, but there are times that God will resort to using others to pass on a message when you choose not to listen to His internal promptings on a specific subject. God did so when He sent Cousin Nathan to confront the King. (2 Samuel 12) It is wise for you to take heed of that word.
© 2022 Katherine Walden