God Has To Get Through Somehow

There are times that God will resort to sending trusted others to pass on a message when you choose not to listen to His internal promptings on a certain subject. God did so when He sent Cousin Nathan to confront the King. It is wise for you to take heed of that word.

In 2014, I felt a prompting from the Lord that I followed through on, even though I did so with a little bit of fear and trembling. It really helped a friend. Facebook Memories just reminded me of this today. Hearing the Voice of God Step out –take risks. I had a nudge while praying […]

Is Fear Tethering You to the Desert?

Take full advantage of Kairos moments. Do you listen more to ungodly fear than you listen to the voice of God?

Are you going around in circles? Are you’re encountering the same old problems again and again? Are you longing to break free from unhealthy patterns? Do you feel stuck? Are you unable to climb out of a rut? Is it possible that ungodly fear is holding you back?  Is disobedience fueled by that fear causing you […]