How Well Do You Receive Encouragement?

1 Thess 5:11 If you dish out a lot of encouragement, how well do you receive it? Encouragement builds up the body!

Quite a few years ago, my former pastor, a recognised prophet, publicly honoured me for contributing to the local body and my international internet ministry, calling me a fellow prophet. She did so just as I finished sharing a brief testimony to God’s goodness one Sunday Morning. I was hurrying back to my seat when […]

God Has To Get Through Somehow

There are times that God will resort to sending trusted others to pass on a message when you choose not to listen to His internal promptings on a certain subject. God did so when He sent Cousin Nathan to confront the King. It is wise for you to take heed of that word.

In 2014, I felt a prompting from the Lord that I followed through on, even though I did so with a little bit of fear and trembling. It really helped a friend. Facebook Memories just reminded me of this today. Hearing the Voice of God Step out –take risks. I had a nudge while praying […]

Fare Thee Well 2021! The word of the Lord for 2022

What is the Lord saying for 2022? With a grateful heart, say farewell to 2021 and look forward to 2022

Fare Thee Well, 2021! Thank you, 2021, for the wisdom, patience, and strength that I developed through the challenges you brought my way. 2021, I promise never to forget the truths I learned as I journeyed through the past 365 days with you. Thank you for the laughter, the joy, and the victories you provided […]

Nothing Can Separate Us From The Love Of God In Christ Jesus

Defiantly declare God's truth when the enemy whispers in your ear. Shout the truth even when you feel like you are hanging on a ledge with your fingernails. Do not give into passivity. Fight the good fight.

Nothing Can Separate Us From The Love Of God In Christ Jesus! Facing continuing economic crisis, increasing persecution against Christianity, devastating weather, health crises, family hardships, homelessness, or anything else? Remember this truth.  Nothing can separate us from God. Absolutely nothing. God’s love is fierce, it is not passive, it is not disengaged. No matter […]

Engraved on God’s hands? What’s That’s About?

Carved in God’s hands? Cute little kids nestled in a big hand or is there more to the story? Reading Isaiah 49:16 today. Heads up. I LOVE the whole chapter. Video Transcription [00:00:03] Hi and welcome back to daily Bible promises with a twist. The twist is that I’m taking those little slips of paper […]