There is a longing in my heart, a groaning in my soul…
I long to see
…the hurting,
…the angry,
…the bitter,
…the broken,
…the disheartened ones..
The ones who believe the lie that they wandered too far.
The ones who fear that God’s arms won’t outstretch to welcome them home.
I long for the moment, the day, the hour when they’d turn around…
and see Him standing right there.
…ready to heal,
…ready to listen,
…ready to restore,
…ready to deliver,
…ready to rebuild,
…ready to tear down,
…ready to dry their tears,
…ready to dance with joy over them.
Father, make our hearts ready to receive them.
Give us the tools to be your healing agents.
Give us the strength to hold our arms open in unconditional love.
Free our spirits of judgmentalism.
Free us from the fear that there won’t be enough for us if they come home.
Come on home, there’s a place set at the table, waiting just for you.
Things just aren’t the same without your presence.
We miss you.
Your circumstance is never greater than God’s power. Your sin is never beyond God’s mercy. Your wounds are never beyond God’s healing grace.
Right after I originally posted this, I wandered over to Facebook and this video was waiting for me. I believe God speaks to us in many ways if our heart is listening – may your heart hear His heart through this clip. May we bring healing, restoration, and freedom to those who are longing for unconditional love.
“Come home, come home, my child, O where art thou? Break, break the chain that holds the captive now” ~ Fanny Crosby, Ira Sankey
Personal Application
If you have not yet read ‘Praying for Your Prodigal’ by Ruth Rousu, please do. The article is free for the reading on my website. We, as the Church at large, MUST be willing to deal with our heart issues, attitudes, and judgements that may have contributed to what led those who need to come home to leave in the first place. We must create a welcoming place!
If, after reading this article, you feel a deep longing for face-to-face connection with fellow believers, take a moment and confess that longing to the Lord. Ask Him to bring to your remembrance a safe person with whom you once had a connection, then reach out to them. I can almost guarantee they’ve been waiting for your call. Take baby steps, be patient with yourself, but determine to walk toward fellowship once again.
Don’t forget. Follow me on my personal timeline on Facebook. You do not need to send me a friend request to follow me although I welcome friend requests please message me there to say you know me from the website or email list! Here is the Facebook link.
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All Bible verses attributed to the ESV version unless otherwise indicated.
Until Next Week
©2018 Katherine Walden
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