Come Home, Your Family Misses You

Your circumstance is never greater than God's power. Your sin is never beyond God's mercy. Your wounds are never beyond God's healing grace. Katherine Walden

There is a longing in my heart, a groaning in my soul… I long to see …the hurting, …the angry, …the bitter, …the broken, …the disheartened ones.. The ones who believe the lie that they wandered too far. The ones who fear that God’s arms won’t outstretch to welcome them home. I long for the […]

Is It Time to Go Make Up with Father God?

Reconciliation – a big word and a process that isn’t always easy. However, Jesus’ sacrifice cleared THE path so we can enter into a full relationship with His Father, who waits with anticipation. He longs for us to get to know him. Let’s read 2 Cor 5:21 together. Video Transcript (Video Below) [00:00:00] Hi Everyone, […]