Some Gardens God Invites Us to Enter Aren’t Pleasant

Some gardens God invites us to enter may not be pleasant. Sometimes, we have to fight our battles in solitary Gethsemanes.

Years ago, I was drawn to a young man who worked at a large church. He was involved in various departments, and his tasks gave him a modest social media presence – this was during the early days of what we now know as social media. I was excited when he started his own ministry. […]

Conditional Surrender? No Such Thing in God’s Kingdom

There is no such thing as a conditional surrender in God's Kingdom. An excerpt from "Dare to Call Him Friend" by Katherine Walden

Conditional Surrender: An updated excerpt from “Dare to Call Him Friend“, by Katherine Walden, available on Amazon. There is no conditional surrender in the Kingdom of God. This truth was never more apparent than in a maximum-security prison I visited in Colombia, South America. Conditions were harsh. The prisoners lived in cramped and dark cellblocks […]

Is a Worry Free Life Possible?

Every night, set whatever worries that race around in your mind on the table and don't pick them up. God has the night shift, let him do his job.

It was a stressful week, several years ago. Four members of the small church I attended landed in various Emergency Rooms around our region. Back then, I counted them all as friends, and I still do! For two of my friends, their visits were quick ones; they received proper treatment and were released to go […]

Relinquishing Control and Stepping Back

Relinquishing control means we purposefully step back and let God do the directing.

Several years ago, a friend who happened to be a professional painter offered his services for free upon noticing my walls needed a good coat of paint. I jumped at his generous offer and shortly after, my friend spackled and primed my walls in anticipation of painting. As often happens, the best-laid plans of man […]

Wave the White Flag of Surrender

Why is it so hard for us to unconditionally surrender to the One who loves us unconditionally?

Why is it so hard for us to unconditionally surrender to the One who loves us unconditionally? Could it be that we still do not trust Him? — Heart pounding, sweat dripping from his forehead, the young soldier peered out of his foxhole. His commanding officer had told him to guard his vantage point at […]