Facing My Spiritual Bullies

I will not allow myself to be silenced, and I will no longer silence myself to appease my enemies. I have a confession to make, I allowed myself to be intimidated by familiar bullies. But beginning today, fear, false guilt, and shame will no longer keep me silent. In November 2017, I received an email […]

Tempted to Judge Another’s Temptation?

Temptation Although we don't all face the same temptations, we do battle a common enemy. He is relentless in his tactics. Isn't it ironic that we, who struggle with temptation, are so swift to place a judgment against our brothers and sisters as they struggle with temptation?

“Unless you have never been tempted, don’t pass judgment on someone who has yielded.” Author Unknown Imagine a store opening its doors, heralded by a marketing blitz like none other. Local radio, print, and television are plastered with eye-catching graphics, catchy jingles, and promises of complete satisfaction. Television commercials feature beautiful models running hand in […]

Let God Go War on Your Behalf

The wise know what battles to fight and what battles they need to step back from. If we want to experience true freedom from our oppressors and if we want to see God turn around injustice into justice on our behalf, we need to forgive. Video Transcript Hi and welcome back to Daily Bible promises […]

It Might be Dark Now but Light is Coming!

It doesn’t really matter how you landed in a dark place, darkness is darkness and sitting in the darkness for a long time just isn’t good for your wellbeing. But light always overcomes even the darkest of places. God is light and He’s coming to your rescue. Video Transcript: Video Below [00:00:00] Hi. Welcome back […]