Occasionally, when out and about on my power chair, I notice that well-meaning able-bodied people are confused about how to help and when to help me. I applaud your willingness to help and urge you to keep on being helpful! Here are some ideas that might help you help those who are in wheelchairs to […]
Washing It All Away

I vividly remember the heavy haze of blue smoke enveloping me when I was a child at most social gatherings involving adults. I was, and still am, sensitive to smoke of any kind. Both my parents were heavy smokers. However, it was not until I moved away from home that I discovered the insidious nature […]
Advent Series – Part 4 – He is our Humble King

“And He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings! and Lord of lords! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” Hallelujah Chorus by Georg Friedrich Handel Isaiah 9:6-7 – “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty […]
Remember Who We Battle Against

November 11, 2018, at 11:00 am marks the 100th observation of Armistice Day, now called Remembrance Day in Canada. This solemn day of remembrance is observed worldwide, honouring the war dead as well as those in active service. As long as I can remember, at the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh […]
Wake Up, It’s not the Time to Sleep In!

As I mentioned earlier, I live within blocks of a fire station that serves a large metropolitan area. I am so accustomed to the sirens whizzing by that I no longer awaken from my sleep as fire trucks and ambulances race below me at night. I blissfully sleep on in the safety of my cosy […]
We are Heirs to the Living God

Yes, we are heirs to the promises of Abraham. Heady stuff! But hold on, there is a conditional clause in front of that statement. The word “IF”. Hey, if we meet the ‘if’ then we get the ‘then’! Galatians 3:29 Video Transcript [00:00:04] Hi there and welcome back to daily Bible promises with a twist. […]