Every Day is a New Beginning

We find strength when we admit we are weak. God knew what He was getting when he invited us to join him in this grand adventure.

Lamentations 3:22-23 -“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” “Groundhog Day” is on the list of my all-time favourite movies and I’ve watched it countless times. No pun intended. Why? Because it is hilarious, and it is a story of redemption. I can relate […]

Stuck in the Wrong Groove?

Are you feeling stuck and in a rut? Could unforgiveness be at the root?

Today’s blog grew around a short quip that I posted on Facebook years ago. I posted it on the Daily Christian Quote website as well. Since then, I have seen it reposted countless times across the Internet. It seemed to strike a chord, no pun intended. It appears that there a whole lot of God’s […]

There’s Nothing More I Can Do

There’s nothing more you can do to prove that you are worthy of salvation. In fact, there is NOTHING you can to prove that you are worthy! Unlike a driver’s license, your salvation is never up for renewal, there is no re-licensing test to pass. Video Transcript (Video Below) [00:00:00] Hi and welcome back to […]