When we read familiar Bible verses, we can get into a rut. So, let’s read a familiar verse, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,” from the Message paraphrase to get a bit of a different slant on this gem. Psalm 119:105. “By your words, I can see where I’m going; they throw a […]
What’s All the Excitement About?

What’s all the excitement about? Tone it down! Mountains and heavens shouting? Earth rejoicing? It’s enough to wonder just what on earth is going on! There’s some good news for the afflicted! Isaiah 49:13 [00:00:00] Welcome back to Daily Bible Verses with a Twist where I take a singular Bible verse that I found in […]
Hold On

I don’t know to whom I am writing this, but you know who you are. Please, if I can ask a favour of you? Even if things are really dark and you wonder if there will ever be light again on the horizon, hold on. Just a little longer. Hold on. One more […]
It Might be Dark Now but Light is Coming!

It doesn’t really matter how you landed in a dark place, darkness is darkness and sitting in the darkness for a long time just isn’t good for your wellbeing. But light always overcomes even the darkest of places. God is light and He’s coming to your rescue. Video Transcript: Video Below [00:00:00] Hi. Welcome back […]