Know How to Light Your Path

Remember that clinging to a single Bible verse taken out of context isn't the best way to find your direction when seeking guidance.

When we read familiar Bible verses, we can get into a rut. So, let’s read a familiar verse, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,” from the Message paraphrase to get a bit of a different slant on this gem. Psalm 119:105. “By your words, I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.” Skip further down to verse 110 and read on. “The wicked do their best to throw me off track. But I don’t swerve an inch from your course.”

When appropriately used, the Word of God acts like a flashlight or lantern, illuminating our path even in the darkest times. But we must ensure that this light is on high beam by reading the entire scripture, not just snippets.

When I was a child, my family often camped because it was a relatively inexpensive vacation for a family of seven. Although I rarely use the camping skills I learned as a child, there is one skill I still occasionally apply. When using a flashlight or the light on my smartphone, I keep the beam directed on the path in front of me, ensuring that the light remains centred straight ahead. Swinging the light back and forth to get a broader view of what is on my left or right only disorients me.

Walking in darkness, we often feel uncertain about what lies ahead and what steps to take next. It’s important to remember two things. First, we are on a walking path, so we must keep moving forward. As the bible verse states, “By your words, I can see where I’m going.” This doesn’t mean, “By your words, I can see where I’m standing, and I’m going to stay here because I’m afraid of what lies beyond my current field of vision.”

Second, keep the main thing, the main thing. Resist searching back and forth, left and right, constantly seeking other options. Stay focused on the path that God has set before you, even if you’re unsure where that path will end up.

We must be familiar with God’s heart as revealed throughout the entire Bible. Doing so safeguards us from stumbling off the path by being distracted by tempting side trails in our spiritual peripheral vision. By doing so, we quickly discern that those side trails look nothing like the path illuminated by God’s word.

When you’re on the quest for guidance from God, remember that clinging to a single Bible verse taken out of context isn’t the best way to find your direction. The scriptures shine a brilliant light on our sometimes dark paths, but His Spirit within us keeps that light glowing. We must embrace both Spirit and Word to illuminate our journey, helping us navigate even when our vision is limited to just a few feet ahead. So, keep pressing forward, trusting His word!

©2024 Katherine Walden