I fell yesterday. Don’t worry. I am okay. It’s not fun to fall; it hurts! But it comes with the territory of living with a disability such as mine. I can’t just lie there and have a pity party. No, I have to get up. I have no choice. Yes, I stay still for a […]
God is not an Abusive Parent
“Perseverance is more than endurance. It is endurance combined with absolute assurance and certainty that what we are looking for is going to happen.” – Oswald Chambers It’s no secret that I live with a lifelong, progressive disability. I want to clarify what I believe about physical healing, disability, and character development. 1. God is […]
But It’s Hard …. (But it’s Not Impossible!)
It’s not always easy. It might be hard, but it’s usually not impossible. As my hands continue to weaken, it takes me a while to ‘do’ stuff. Case in point: Most supermarket shopping carts require a coin deposit in Canada to ensure you return it to the corral and don’t just leave it in the […]
It’s a Delicate Balance
The human body is the most complex and intricate of God’s creations. Every muscle, ligament, and tendon has a specific function to do, and yet each part of our body cannot fulfil its role without the aid of other parts of the same body. If one muscle weakens, other muscles overcompensate, compromising the delicate balance […]
What Should I Call You?
People often ask me what they should call me when referring to my disability. My standard cheeky response is, “Just call me Katherine, and if you know me well, I answer to Kath.” Having lived with a progressive disability since birth, I have had many labels attached to me over the years; many of which […]
My Christmas Prayer
My Christmas greetings for 2017 and a Christmas Prayer for all those who find the Christmas season a difficult one. May you know Him as Immanuel – God with us. Everlasting Father, I ask you to come to those whose hearts ache on your Son’s birthday. They are hurting and lonely. Father, let them […]