With God, Trust Falls are a Sure Thing

With God, trust falls are a sure thing. He’ll never let us down when we throw ourselves on Him. He can handle anything we dish. Nothing catches Him off guard. When anger and hurt and pain overwhelm us and threaten to drown us, that’s the precise time we need to cast our cares upon Him, cast our burdens upon Him, and literally throw ourselves on Him.

Video Transcript

Hi and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist. Today, as usual, we’re going to start with the New International Version Psalm 55:22 “He will never let the righteous be shaken.” The new American Standard Bible says about the same thing as the NIV, so let’s read this verse from the New Living Translation and we’re going to be reading the whole verse. “Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you he will not permit the godly to slip and fall.”

So, what’s going on in this Psalm? Taken out of context, you might think that this is a declarative instructional Psalm where David is using song and music to teach those that are under him.

But you would be wrong! David wrote Psalm 55 as a way to vent and express his heart and pour out all of his pain, fear, frustration, and anger before the Lord. He was being utterly transparent before the God he knew would be able to catch him as he threw himself upon Him.

95% of Psalm 55 is full of anger and bitterness. I wonder if David wrote this immediately after he found out that somebody very close to him betrayed him. Because of that betrayal, David is facing severe consequences that he did not deserve in any way. David pours out his heart to the One that he knows can take whatever he has to say.

He’s bitter, he’s angry, he’s vengeful, he wants his enemies to stumble and to be crushed. He is really ticked! But in that moment of transparency and honesty with the Lord, David is transparent with the God that he knows will catch him. David knows that he’s safe and he reminds himself that he is safe! “Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you, he will not permit the godly to slip and fall.”

There’s something that’s called a trust fall, where you let go and just fall backward, trusting that whoever is behind you will catch you. That is what David is talking about. He not only gave his burdens to the Lord, he gave himself to the Lord; knowing that the Lord would catch him and that he would not slip or fall.

In that moment where anger and hurt and pain overwhelm us and threaten to drown us, that’s the precise time we need to cast our cares upon Him, cast our burdens upon Him, and literally throw ourselves on Him. Trusting Him that He will catch us and He will keep us safe from doing some really stupid things in that moment of an adrenaline rush.

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©2018 Katherine Walden

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