I love the pageantry, challenge, and thrill of Olympic events. I am drawn to the underdog, wincing at their every stumble and cheering them on as they complete the race. It doesn’t matter that they come in last. They endured to the end. At every Olympics. a previously unknown athlete captures global attention by overcoming […]
Archives 1/1/2022-2/31/2022
Are You Creating Barriers for Newcomers Who Don’t Speak Christianese?

I love to fellowship with newcomers who immigrated to Canada. As I was in missions for several years, something deep inside me is fed when many cultures worship together. Two women from Sudan joined a small group I co-led a few years ago. Work and family responsibilities allowed them to be with us for only […]
What Does Born Again Mean? Why do Christians call themselves that?

What does it mean to be born again? Like the moment of our physical birth, there’s a specific point and moment in which a person must be born again. It starts with realizing that no matter how hard we try, there are areas of our lives that we just cannot overcome: sinful behaviours, attitudes, harmful […]
Obstacles will Serve as Your Stepping Stones

“Your past and present obstacles will serve as the stepping stones to your future.” One night, I awoke in the wee small hours from a vivid dream speaking the above words to a person who was unknown to me. Upon awakening from the dream, I saw in my mind’s eye a stone smith laying down […]
What to Do and What Not to Do While Waiting

I felt the nudge of the Spirit to continue the theme of ‘in the waiting’ this week. If you haven’t yet read the first instalment, you are welcome to read it here. We all find ourselves waiting, probably more times than we can count. We stand in a queue at coffee shops, banks, and fast […]
In the Waiting

Waiting for the fulfilment of God’s promises is never easy, and the longer you are in the waiting, the more you are tempted to fall for the lies of the enemy. “God forgot all His promises.” “You didn’t hear from God in the first place.” “What is next for you is better than where you […]