Who Gets All the Credit?

David had plenty of opportunities to use his platform to bolster his reputation and fame in Israel. But he had no need to blow his own horn. He only wanted to brag about the God who he loved.

Video Transcript

Hi and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist. And today, we’re only going to be reading from the New International Version Because this verse is translated all across the board almost exactly word for word. Psalm 34 verse 19 -“The righteous person may have many troubles But the Lord delivers him from them all.”

So let’s go to what we’ve been doing. Who was speaking? What was going on at the time? And who was the audience that the person was speaking to?

David is speaking. He wrote this shortly after he escaped a very traumatic situation. The introduction to Psalm 34 explains it all. “A Psalm of David regarding the time he pretended to be insane in front of Abimelek who sent him away”

David could have taken advantage of the reputation he already had in the Kingdom of Israel, and the surrounding nations, of being a wonderful songwriter. He could have taken advantage of that and written a brilliantly satirical account of his situation with the king, poking fun at the king. And then crow about his own exploits, and how he got the upper hand.
And it was an absolutely brilliant idea that David came up with to get himself out of a very dangerous situation! All he had was his intellect and his craftiness and that intellect and craftiness got him out of that situation.

But if you read the Psalms you will find that David Rarely if ever gives credit to himself even though in his keen mind and strategy got him out of many a situation. He always gave the glory to God. David lived with a heart understanding of God’s great love for him and David was a man after God’s own heart David had no need to receive the accolades and applause and admiration of those who followed his exploits. The only Person that David wanted to please was his Lord.

When giving a testimony of something wonderful that has happened in your life, take a chapter out of David’s book and remember to give all the glory and all the credit to the One who rescued you.

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©2018 Katherine Walden

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