A Gift is not a Reward, It’s a Gift

Step out of your old ways and walk into the freedom God’s calling you to. His grace leads us into a land free from the choking weeds of regret and overflowing with His love

It would be silly to try to pay someone back for a gift they gave you out of the goodness of their heart, wouldn’t it? And yet, we often fall into that trap. God gives good gifts to His children, but some of us waste time and energy trying to “repay” Him—forgetting that His gifts […]

Take Your Guide’s Advice

Mountain climbers fail when they don't follow their guides

Psalm 25, Verse 8-10 (NASB 1995): “Good and upright is the Lord; Therefore He instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in justice, And He teaches the humble His way. All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.” You’d be very foolish […]

So, How’s That Working For You?

I've witnessed ministries and nations crumble under self-entitled delusions and deceptions. I have also seen them crumble under excessive people-pleasing. Is there a solution?

Please forgive the vocabulary and slang used in today’s thoughts. I found I couldn’t express my point in my usual devotional style. To understand where I am coming from, I suggest you read the chapters in 1 Kings right after the death of Solomon, starting in chapter twelve. “The Fall And Division Of The Nation […]

How Well Do You Receive Encouragement?

1 Thess 5:11 If you dish out a lot of encouragement, how well do you receive it? Encouragement builds up the body!

Quite a few years ago, my former pastor, a recognised prophet, publicly honoured me for contributing to the local body and my international internet ministry, calling me a fellow prophet. She did so just as I finished sharing a brief testimony to God’s goodness one Sunday Morning. I was hurrying back to my seat when […]

God Often Does His Best Work Behind the Scenes

God often does His best work behind the scenes - In the fullness of time, God sent forth His son Galatians 4:4

Years ago, when an everyday person could code a website, I did a lot of work on my earliest website. I spent countless hours of work, to be honest. The work needed to be done; the old code interfered with new systems. The old code was sloppy, resulting in a need for a complete reorganisation […]