“Your past and present obstacles will serve as the stepping stones to your future.” One night, I awoke in the wee small hours from a vivid dream speaking the above words to a person who was unknown to me. Upon awakening from the dream, I saw in my mind’s eye a stone smith laying down […]
It’s Easter and He is Risen!

An Ancient Easter Poem of Jubilee If any be a devout lover of God, let him partake with gladness from this fair and radiant feast. If any be a faithful servant, let him enter rejoicing into the joy of his Lord. If any has wearied himself with fasting, let him now enjoy his reward. If […]
Conquering Fear and Intimidation

Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it? ……Oh, yes, it was! But it was worth it! It was time to face a personal […]
Be Thankful But Don’t Camp Under the Empty Cross

As is my yearly practice, as this is Holy Week on the Christian calendar, I will be reading each narrative found in the Bible that portrays the immediate events that led up to the Cross. I will pause and feast on Jesus’ great discourse in John 14-17. I will pause and somberly reflect on His […]
The Battle Belongs To The Lord

I originally wrote this the week following September 11, 2001. Please forgive this repeat from the archives. However, in light of COVID-19, economic collapse, and the brutal mass murder that took place in Nova Scotia, Canada, just yesterday, April 19, 2020, I felt it was fitting. I can only cry out to God as the […]