But Wait… There’s More!

Lay down cynicism While the Lord calls me to be wise and discerning, He reminds me that godly discernment cannot dwell in a distrustful heart. God has no ulterior motive.

It is practically mandatory that any self-respecting Calgarian attend the Calgary Stampede, a cross between a rodeo, midway, and an exhibition that takes place in early July. Calgary is a huge metropolitan city. Most Calgarians have never seen a horse or a cow up close and personal. And yet, for ten days out of every year, […]

It’s Not Quite What I Expected

ust because you face unexpected challenges, it doesn’t mean his promises failed. The promise remains but it will not be released until you walk forward.

Here’s an encouraging word for those who have stepped into a new venture with the Lord. Bible Reference: Numbers 13-14. Israel crosses over to the promised land. The nation soon realises it’s not quite what they expected, and they fall into discouragement. Just because you face unexpected challenges, it doesn’t mean the land where God […]

Prepare But Be Prepared to Lean on the Lord

When you are giving birth to anything, preparation is needed. But when you do all you can do to prepare, prepare to lean on the Lord!

“Honey! Guess what? We’re finally pregnant!” With those triumphant words, Sally and Joe begin one of life’s most bewildering journeys. Sally suffers stomach-churning morning sickness; Joe pops antacids as he checks and rechecks their financial investments. As Sally’s belly grows, so does Joe’s Honey-Do list. He renovates the home office into a nursery and trades […]

Hold Tight, Don’t Let Fear Distract You!

When your world is falling apart, it's vital you don't allow yourself to be distracted. Hold tight.

A few weeks back,  I lelt led to share a word the Lord gave me on focusing and ignoring distractions. It appears God has his finger on the topic. I have read several prophetic words dealing with focus and the threat of being led off course by seemingly innocuous bunny trails. Sometimes, those distractions that […]