Smudges on Your Lens?

Is your worldview smudged by distorted and negative belief systems? Are others having difficulty seeing your light because of soot on your lamp's glass?

Today, a friend used a sound bite from the song “The Best Is Yet to Come” by North Point Worship in a short reel; the lyrics really stood out to me. You can read the lyrics below. They reflect my unwavering belief that we’re meant to go from glory to glory; resisting a persistent perspective […]

Know How to Light Your Path

Remember that clinging to a single Bible verse taken out of context isn't the best way to find your direction when seeking guidance.

When we read familiar Bible verses, we can get into a rut. So, let’s read a familiar verse, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,” from the Message paraphrase to get a bit of a different slant on this gem. Psalm 119:105. “By your words, I can see where I’m going; they throw a […]

The Light Bearers

Fan into Flame Good works - Keep your light shining and bring that light to those who are not yet set free.

The Light Bearers Fan into flame the gift of God 2 Timothy 1:6 Humanity’s heart held captive Groaned for release Incarcerated by darkness The memory of welcoming fire and flame The fellowship with light Now distant memory Hopelessness and resignation The only companions of a reluctant heart Redeeming light battered the prison walls Invading, encompassing, […]

It Might be Dark Now but Light is Coming!

It doesn’t really matter how you landed in a dark place, darkness is darkness and sitting in the darkness for a long time just isn’t good for your wellbeing. But light always overcomes even the darkest of places. God is light and He’s coming to your rescue. Video Transcript: Video Below [00:00:00] Hi. Welcome back […]