Is It Time to Clean Your Soul’s Eyeglasses?

Clean your soul's eyeglasses! It's too easy to put up with smudges and flecks of dirt that distort our spiritual vision but in time, our compromise will do us harm.

I felt the Lord say, “Clean your soul’s eyeglasses!” I have at least five pairs of reader eyeglasses hanging around my apartment. Most days, the majority of these eyeglasses could do with a good cleaning. Most days, they will be haphazardly cleaned by a rub against my shirt. I do realize that this stop-gap measure […]

Effective Ministry is Born from an Authentic Heart

People subconsciously distrust dthose who are not comfortable in their own skin and to present themselves as something they are not.

Before you rule yourself out as not being in ministry, let’s get this out of the way. We are all called to minister to our families, friends, neighbours, city, and nations. Let’s get another thing out of the way. God is not waiting for you to morph into your favourite pastor or teacher before He […]

Be Faithful in All Things, No Matter How Small

Looking for ministry opportunities? Despise not the small things, Be faithful with what God has put before you and look to Him to promote you in the right season.

Zechariah 4:10 (NLT) – “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Years ago, I heard the following illustration two or three times within a short period. Forgive me for not remembering my sources. This tale impacted me greatly. Perhaps I’ve added my befuddled twist to the tale. […]

You can Teach an Old Dog new Tricks

You can teach an old dog new tricks, but only if they are motivated to learn

Musing of the day: You can teach an old dog new tricks, but only if he is motivated to learn. Many professional musicians continue their careers way into their 70s and 80s. Those who do well are the ones who realize that as they mature, their voice changes. And so, they arrange their musical score […]