It would be silly to try to pay someone back for a gift they gave you out of the goodness of their heart, wouldn’t it? And yet, we often fall into that trap. God gives good gifts to His children, but some of us waste time and energy trying to “repay” Him—forgetting that His gifts […]
A Christmas Miracle and an Opportunity for Growth

9 years ago, I witnessed a Christmas Miracle one Sunday morning. I was attending a church along with several single parents and low-income families. Extravagant, ridiculous, over-the-top financial blessings were tucked in Christmas cards and brought hope and light to so many that year. I wrote: “You know who you are — but I don’t […]
Are you Forever Pursuing the Perfect Gift to Give?

I love to give my friends meaningful presents, and I am always in pursuit of just the perfect gift! Case in point: a few years ago, one of my closest friends approached a milestone birthday. I wanted to honour her, not just because she was an amazing friend, but because she was someone I greatly […]
Treasure Your Gifts

One of the joys I had as a child was watching the bottom of the Christmas tree fill up with presents. It mattered little to me how many presents were addressed to me, just as long as there were plenty of colourfully wrapped gifts tucked away under the branches. In my eyes, each parcel was […]
Our Relationship is with the Giver and not His Gifts

The enemy would love for you to think if you were proficient in using every gift of the Spirit, you’d be more worthy of God’s love. He’d like you to believe that if you were endowed with the intellect and academic understanding of Solomon, then you would hold more influence in God’s kingdom. The enemy’s […]
Hunger after God, Don’t Settle for a Glass Of Water and a Toothpick

“Anyone home?” Bill’s booming voice was easily heard throughout the whole house and backyard. Bill didn’t live at our house, but he might as well have. He was dating my sister and as a result, he had become an adopted son of sorts. Not needing an invitation, the strapping young firefighter-in-training made himself at home […]