I found this nugget from 20 years ago and polished it up just a tad. Enjoy! This was back in the day before I owned a cell phone and when I still had cable tv! Multiple windows were open on my desktop computer, telemarketers were calling, and the news was on in the background. I […]
Our Time is the Stage of an Epic Battle. Who will win?

Have you been feeling the ‘tug’ at your spiritual heart to draw close to God, to deepen your intimate relationship with Him as of late? I know I sure have. And oh! How the enemy of my soul hates when I answer that call. Satan knows that a child of God who stays close to […]
Hold Tight, Don’t Let Fear Distract You!

A few weeks back, I lelt led to share a word the Lord gave me on focusing and ignoring distractions. It appears God has his finger on the topic. I have read several prophetic words dealing with focus and the threat of being led off course by seemingly innocuous bunny trails. Sometimes, those distractions that […]
Focus, People, Focus!

I confess I struggle to remain focused. Even as I sit in front of my laptop and attempt to write these thoughts, my mind wanders. It’s nearly impossible to focus on just one thing in today’s world. Social Media gurus and organisations who rely on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, emails, texts, and news outlets to get […]
Where is Your Attention Centred?

Distraction and short attention spans are robbing us of the joy of reaching focused goals. What rewards do we reap when we focus on the One Thing? Video Transcript Hi there and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist. And today we’re going to be reading from the New International Version. Proverbs 21:21. […]