No matter what storms you face today, reach out to God, and you’ll feel His light. But don’t forget to take that light to those in darkness. An excerpt from Seasons . I thought was appropriate to share again in today’s uncertain climate. If you TRULY can’t afford to purchase my books, let me know. […]
Focus on Him and We’ll See the World From the Right Perspective

A photograph of a police officer holding a toddler in his arms went viral across social media in September 2015. Behind the police officer lay the wreck of the child’s family car. Her father died in that crash, and the impact severely injured her mother. The collision threw her siblings from the vehicle. It was […]
The Training Field Of The Mundane

“If God doesn’t rule your mundane, then he doesn’t rule you. Because that’s where you live.” ~ Paul Tripp An extraordinarily high percentage of the victims of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute massacre, which took place on April 16, 2007, were active and involved Christians. Raised in loving homes and involved in their local churches, the […]
Ready For The Suddenlies?

The horrific loss of life and property caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 caused the entire world to grieve. As I watched the news coverage, I heard multiple survivors describe the events as happening ‘suddenly.’ The tsunami caught hundreds of thousands off guard. There was no warning. As they went about their day […]
Let’s Get Real.

Transcript: Hi there. It’s been a long time (since I’ve done a video). Please bear with me. I might explain in videos to follow where I’ve been at what I’ve been up to etc. But this isn’t the video that I’ll be talking about out stuff. Also just as a forewarning you’re going to be […]
Take Advantage of Help When its Offered

When someone proves to be trustworthy, take advantage of any help they might offer. We can’t do it by ourselves. There’s a reason why God calls Himself our ever-present help. Video Transcript Hi there and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist. And today, as always, I’m going to start by reading one […]