I originally wrote the following devotional in the late nineties. If you read the first of my three books, Seasons, you will recognise it as one of the chapters there. I hope you forgive me for the repeat, but I felt the weight of the words God gave to me way back then as we enter into 2021. I felt that is was more than just a devotional, it was a charge from our commander in chief, King Jesus. People, get ready.
2020 found many of us in a holding pattern. We became lethargic as we waited for things to return to normal before we pressed on to do the things God called us to do. I personally believe that which we considered normal will never completely return and we must move forward.
Circumstances shook us out of complacency in 2020 but God is shaking His people in 2021. “Wake up, sleepyheads! It’s time to move on. Stop allowing your circumstances to dictate whether or not you will be obedient to my directions. It’s time to get ready, there’s a job you have to do. Your orders have not been cancelled.”
If God called you to do something on December 31, 2019, January 1, 2020 did not change His mind. It’s now 2021. People get ready!
Are there areas in your life that God has asked you to get in order? Are you putting off paying overdue bills?Are you spending way beyond your means even when your spirit feels God’s conviction? Are you seeking to find self-worth through social status and prestige? Are there spiritual disciplines He is asking you to practice daily that you have been lax in pursuing? Do you hunger for a deeper, more intimate prayer life? Are you feeling God calling you back into deeper fellowship with a supportive body of local believers? If so, you are not alone.
Our merciful, loving God is exhorting His people to gather spiritual provisions and to hone their skills of prayer and intercession. Many believers sense urgent conviction when they fail to step out in obedience to His leading and direction. Many believers are experiencing an intensified longing to hear God’s voice. Their hunger for His Word is insatiable, and they are spending copious amount of time in Bible study, worship and quiet times. “Deep calls unto deep” and God is wooing His children closer to His heart as He desires to pour into them all that they will need in the coming days.
There are skills that cannot be learned in the heat of battle, but these skills are vital and must be in our arsenal. Some of these skills require self-discipline if they are to be learned well: hearing the word of the Lord, discerning deception, stepping past fear into obedience, cultivating the courage needed to stay still until the Lord directs you to move, and the ability to stay in His peace when all is shaken.
God remains committed to His children. Throughout the ages, He lovingly gave His people warnings of what was to come, and His promises have remained true. His character has not changed; His plans and purposes, hopes and dreams for His children have not changed either. He is forever faithful and in His graciousness, He urges us to to be proactive and to prepare to the best of our ability for what lies ahead.
@2014 Katherine Walden “Seasons” Available on Amazon
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From November 2020 forward, all Bible verses attributed to the NASB version unless otherwise indicated.
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Until Next Week,
©2021 Katherine Walden