Got Junk – Again? Find a Permanent Solution

Jesus isn't a 1-800 Junk dealer. He takes us by the hand, and leads us to our cluttered basements and says He'll help us clean up our mess.

Some people want Jesus to clean up their messes, but they don’t want to face seeing the lurking junk in their hearts. Such attitudes remind me of people who throw broken furniture and junk in their basements or storage sheds. “We’ll get to that one day.” That one day never comes until one day there […]

Looking For Reflections of Yourself?

By surrounding ourselves with only those whose beliefs are exact reflections of our own, we diminish our effectiveness for God's Kingdom.

As a child, I loved to sit on my mother’s three-mirror vanity desk and carefully arrange the mirrors so I could see countless images of myself. I entertained myself for hours by singing or making up stories to the audience in the mirrors. There was no ego involved; I created an unending supply of imaginary […]

Careless Words – Weapons of Mass Destruction

Careless words - Weapons of Mass Destruction in both Christian circles and social media. Beware of chronic usage of sarcasm and mockery! 

Here’s a dictionary definition of the word ‘Careless’: not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors. “She had been careless and had left the window unlocked.” synonyms: inattentive, incautious, negligent, absentminded, remiss; “he admitted to careless driving.” not concerned or worried about. “he was careless about his own safety.” I want to […]