Come Home, Your Family Misses You

Your circumstance is never greater than God's power. Your sin is never beyond God's mercy. Your wounds are never beyond God's healing grace. Katherine Walden

There is a longing in my heart, a groaning in my soul… I long to see …the hurting, …the angry, …the bitter, …the broken, …the disheartened ones.. The ones who believe the lie that they wandered too far. The ones who fear that God’s arms won’t outstretch to welcome them home. I long for the […]

Encouragement is not Flattery

Encouragement should never be confused with flattery. Speak God's truth in love and never relent!!

1 Thessalonians 5:11 – “Encourage one another and build one another up.” Proverbs 29:5 – “A man who flatters his neighbour spreads a net for his feet.” Contrary to popular belief, encouragement is not flattery. Instead, it might be defined as speaking God’s truth about a person to that person. All too often, it’s a […]

Let’s Get Real.

Transcript: Hi there. It’s been a long time (since I’ve done a video). Please bear with me. I might explain in videos to follow where I’ve been at what I’ve been up to etc. But this isn’t the video that I’ll be talking about out stuff. Also just as a forewarning you’re going to be […]

You Never Know What You Are Missing

Don't allow the wisdom of seniors and elders go to waste, listen to their history and learn from their experiences. Count their stories as treasures

I need to confess that I pushed old people around a whole lot as a teenager. Furthermore, I am rather proud of that fact. I volunteered at my local zoo for two summers, navigating wheelchair-bound seniors around the park. I loved my job as we were given access to much of the zoo before the […]