Are you still trying to get in God’s good books? Quit trying! If you are a Christ follower, you are already a beloved child in your Father’s good graces.
An excerpt from “Dare to Call Him Friend” one of my devotional books, available in print or e-book formats.
Is God about to drop the other shoe on His beloved children? No!!
Unfortunately, many believers believe that they can stave off the anger of God by employing manipulative acts of worship born from an unhealthy fear of God’s disapproval. By doing so, they displease the one they feel they must appease. Psalm 51:16-17 – “For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”
Worship is about intimacy. It is an interchange and a dialogue. We let God know just what we think about Him, and we allow Him to show us His heart toward us. Worship serves to remind us of God’s attributes, His love, and His passions. We are reminded of His mercy and His generosity. Worship creates an atmosphere where we feel safe to open our hearts to Him. Worship gives us the opportunity to access His cleansing grace. Worship opens our eyes to see His mercy, love, and saving power released into the world.
“In worship, our relationship with Christ is established, maintained, and repaired. Christ meets us in our act of celebrating his death and resurrection. In this worship encounter, the Spirit brings us the very real benefits of Christ’s death – salvation, healing, comfort, hope, guidance, and assurance. Through this encounter, order and meaning come into our lives. Through worship, a right ordering of God, the world, self, and neighbour is experienced, and the worshiper receives a peace that passes understanding. Simply put, worship is an it-is-well-with-my-soul experience.” – Robert Webber
Until Next week,
©2017, 2023 Katherine Walden