Waiting at the Gate

Impatience and frustration at a delay usually fade away when there is a reasonable explanation made as to why there is a delay. While we as Christians long for the day when Jesus returns, He still has work for us to do!

Impatience and frustration at a delay usually fade away when there is a reasonable explanation made as to why there is a delay. While we as Christians long for the day when Jesus returns, He still has work for us to do!

Video Transcript

Hi there and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist. And as always we’re going to start off by reading from the New International Version first. And today’s verse is second Peter, Three, Verse nine. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise. He is patient not wanting anyone to perish.” So, let’s read this from the New Living Translation today. We’ve made it our custom to read from another version and put the verse into context. And we’re going to do so right now. We’re going to start in verse eight and finish in verse 9, Second Peter 3.

“But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends. A day is like a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent.”

Chapter 3 of Second Peter is another one of those prophetic books that speak about the end times, and as usual, I am just not going to go there. However, there will be a day, whenever that day might be, that will be the final day and the gate will be closed. But God does not desire that anyone should perish.

Have you ever been on a flight that has been stuck at the gate and you’re wondering why it hasn’t taxied yet and you’ve sensed a growing impatience amongst your other passengers and everybody’s trying to figure out what the delay is. That impatience and frustration is quite often dispelled by a simple announcement stating that passengers on a connecting flight who need to be on your plane are racing across the concourse trying to make their connection. As soon as those words are spoken, you can almost hear an audible sigh in the plane.

Most well-seasoned travellers know that sinking feeling and that sense of panic that grows when you are desperately racing across the concourse trying to make their connecting flight, especially if it’s an international flight. We, as Christians, long for the day when Christ shall return.

Let’s be patient. And as we are patient, let us pray for the advancement of the Kingdom of God across the world that will hasten the day of the return of our Lord. God’s heart desire is that no one is left behind. And he has the patience to wait until the very last moment before He has to shut the gate.

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©2018 Katherine Walden

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