Are You Sure Its Righteous Anger? – A Word to Christians on Social Media

Who or what is fuelling your rage? Are you sure your righteous anger is actually righteous?

What many call ‘righteous anger’ is not so righteous. Hear what the Lord is saying. There is an ever-increasing divide, a polarization sweeping the planet, fueled by Social Media and online news agencies masking themselves as unbiased sources. Unfortunately, in 2023, I have yet to find a single news outlet without a slant or agenda. […]

The Beauty of Seasons of Waiting

Children are born with little understanding of the value of waiting. Any parent or teacher can attest to that, especially during the days leading up to special events. The minutes seem like hours; the hours seem like days, and the days like years. Parents feel their children’s anxiety and frustration, and while they sympathise, most […]

Hold On as You Pray For Strength to Hold On

Hold on with faith, even as you cry out to God for the strength to hold on. Cling to the promises given to you by our faithful God.

There comes a time when you must step forward and walk past your past. You’ve received counsel, you received prayer, and you have forgiven all those you needed to. You asked forgiveness from others and made amends. Yes, you finally let go of the guilt. You have read books, you’ve attended conferences, you’ve journaled, you’ve […]

It’s Not a Waiting Game for God

It's not a waiting game with God. He is building trust and relationship with Him within us as wait for the fulfilment of His promises.

Patience is a virtue they say, but it’s a difficult character trait to foster. If you can master it, the rewards are great! Trust and patience go hand and hand in God’s kingdom. Psalm 40:1 Psalm 40, Verse 1. “I waited patiently for the Lord. He turned to me and He heard my cry.” As […]