If you are about to step into something that is way over your head but you know God has commanded you to step forward, be encouraged. God is planning on going with you every step of the way. Take heed of God’s instructions to Joshua and to His exhortation to Joshua in Joshua 1:9.
Video Transcript
Hi there and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist. And as always, we’re reading from the New International Version and today it is Joshua 1:9. “The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
I’m reading today from the Message Bible because I wanted the wording to be a little bit different so we’re not just thinking, “Oh, the same old same old declaration.” I’ll be reading verse 8 as well Joshua 1:8-9 in the Message Bible. “Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t be discouraged. God your God is with you every step you take.”
I will put a link to the previous time we talked about this declaration and who it was being spoken to and who was speaking it. But just a little heads up, it wasn’t spoken by God to the person who received that declaration.
However, in this case, God is the one speaking to Joshua who was just taken over the reins of leadership over the Israelites who are standing on the edge of the Jordan River, about to cross into the promised land.
Before Moses died, Joshua was picked to be his successor and God placed his stamp of approval on Joshua. But now, Joshua is about to face his first test of leading countless thousands of people. Not only does he have to get the Israelites across the River Jordan he has to be thinking ahead to the next steps to make sure that they begin to conquer the land that God had given them.
God takes the opportunity to have a chat with Joshua. Yahweh reassures Joshua that He will keep his end of the bargain. So, let’s read this again. God is exhorting Joshua to be strong, to be courageous, to not be timid, and not to be discouraged. And then He reminds Joshua, “God your God is with you every step you take.” God will fulfil his part of the bargain!
If you’re standing on the wrong side of the Jordan River trying to figure out how you’re going to get to the other side to the promised land, to the fulfillment of the promises God has spoken over you and over your family or your church or your business or any place that you might have a leadership position, take heed of God’s instructions to Joshua and to His exhortation to Joshua in the first few verses of Joshua chapter 1 from verse 1 to verse 9. Let’s read verse 9 once again and take God at His word that God will fulfil his covenant and His promise over you. “Don’t be timid. Don’t get discouraged. God your God is with you every step you take.”
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©2018 Katherine Walden
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