Just who are you representing and to whom? Good questions to ask! 2 Corinthians 5:17 is a favourite of most Christians because it talks about our identity in Christ – but what if it’s not all about us? I invite you to watch my latest YouTube video! It’s all about reconciliation, seeing others through the […]
Living a Life of Thanks

How does someone keep their heart from hardening when bad things happen? They embrace the daily practice of giving thanks. I don’t know all the answers. However, I have seen thankfulness as a significant thread in the lives of many of my spiritual mentors. They all learned the benefits of living a life of intentional […]
Go! No Matter What Storms You Face!

No matter what storms you face today, reach out to God, and you’ll feel His light. But don’t forget to take that light to those in darkness. An excerpt from Seasons . I thought was appropriate to share again in today’s uncertain climate. If you TRULY can’t afford to purchase my books, let me know. […]
God Wants Us to Release Heavenly Harmonies on Earth

Eric Metaxas, in his beautiful and amusing autobiography “Fish Out of Water,” spoke of a time when he had the privilege of leading hundreds of American Prayer Breakfast attendees in an acappella version of the first verse of “Amazing Grace.” He writes: “We sang that happy verse and to my great joy. It was nearly […]
Christians: Who are You Representing?

As this week’s blog is primarily aimed at those who use Social Media, I am posting it directly on Social Media as well as my blog. I use Social Media, my blog, email list, and the Daily Christian Quote Website as my main ministry platforms. I pop onto Facebook as an overseer or participant in […]
A Call to Love with a Love That Risks All

I feel an urgency to call my brothers and sisters in Christ to a place of love. I am not speaking of a kumbayah sort of love where we all hold each other’s sticky hands around a campfire after roasting marshmallows, wishing each other well as we bask in sugar-induced carb comas. I am talking […]