It’s Not a Waiting Game for God

It's not a waiting game with God. He is building trust and relationship with Him within us as wait for the fulfilment of His promises.

Patience is a virtue they say, but it’s a difficult character trait to foster. If you can master it, the rewards are great! Trust and patience go hand and hand in God’s kingdom. Psalm 40:1 Psalm 40, Verse 1. “I waited patiently for the Lord. He turned to me and He heard my cry.” As […]

It’s a Delicate Balance

Just as our bodies need to work in alignment and balance, so must our spirits and hearts.

The human body is the most complex and intricate of God’s creations. Every muscle, ligament, and tendon has a specific function to do, and yet each part of our body cannot fulfil its role without the aid of other parts of the same body. If one muscle weakens, other muscles overcompensate, compromising the delicate balance […]