Advent of 2020. Much of the western world is heading back into a time of isolation and governmental restrictions, and we are growing weary. The yoke chafs against our God-given desires for freedom of movement and gathering with friends and families, especially at this time of the year. Tiny fissures in our defences are starting […]
Nothing Can Separate Us From The Love Of God In Christ Jesus

Nothing Can Separate Us From The Love Of God In Christ Jesus! Facing continuing economic crisis, increasing persecution against Christianity, devastating weather, health crises, family hardships, homelessness, or anything else? Remember this truth. Nothing can separate us from God. Absolutely nothing. God’s love is fierce, it is not passive, it is not disengaged. No matter […]
If He Do It, So Can I! Lessons Learned by Example

I beg my reader’s indulgence as this week’s writing takes on a more personal note. On March 19, 2017, a man who influenced my life in more ways than I can count, lost his battle with cancer. Don Rousu was my pastor for 25 years. He faithfully prayed for me and taught me profound lessons, […]