HAPPY BIRTHDAY! An advantage of being the middle child in a family of five children was that I could play with the younger kids when my inner child needed attention. I could hang out with the older kids when I felt my younger siblings were beneath me. Christmas time brought out the child in me. […]
New Year
Allow Hope to Reign in 2023

May 2023 be a year of peace, joy, and hope. May we be grounded in the sure knowledge that no matter what lies ahead in the next 365 days, God will be our anchor, provider, safe harbour, hope, and encourager. We CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He will guide us through […]
Fare Thee Well 2021! The word of the Lord for 2022

Fare Thee Well, 2021! Thank you, 2021, for the wisdom, patience, and strength that I developed through the challenges you brought my way. 2021, I promise never to forget the truths I learned as I journeyed through the past 365 days with you. Thank you for the laughter, the joy, and the victories you provided […]
Welcoming in the New Year 2020

The following questionnaire was shared with me a few years back by a fellow writer who wished to be anonymous but who gave me full permission to share it with others. It’s a good thing they wanted to be anonymous as I honestly forget which of my fellow writers permitted me to use this! If […]