In my early twenties, I took part in two short-term outreaches within a couple of months of each other. The first outreach was to a remote area of Canada, about 9 hours northwest of where I was living at the time. I am deliberately vague as to the exact location to protect the identities of […]
It’s an Exciting Time for Online Ministry, God is on the Move!

God is on the move on the Internet! What an understatement, indeed. The very thought that I am in full-time ministry and am a part of this heady time is overwhelming, to say the least. In 1994, when I retired from missions because of my disability, I knew I had not ‘retired’ from ministry. Cue […]
Christians: Who are You Representing?

As this week’s blog is primarily aimed at those who use Social Media, I am posting it directly on Social Media as well as my blog. I use Social Media, my blog, email list, and the Daily Christian Quote Website as my main ministry platforms. I pop onto Facebook as an overseer or participant in […]
So Now What Do We Do?

It’s the day after Easter, pretty pastel dresses are put away, the lilies fade, and the fridge is full of coloured hard-boiled eggs waiting to be used. The church choir has sung its last glorious cantata for the year or at least until Christmas. Now what? It’s the day after Jesus ascended into heaven, his […]
Prepare But Be Prepared to Lean on the Lord

“Honey! Guess what? We’re finally pregnant!” With those triumphant words, Sally and Joe begin one of life’s most bewildering journeys. Sally suffers stomach-churning morning sickness; Joe pops antacids as he checks and rechecks their financial investments. As Sally’s belly grows, so does Joe’s Honey-Do list. He renovates the home office into a nursery and trades […]